Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Differences between JAVA and .NET

They both are Object Oriented Programming Languages but still they have many differences.

The biggest difference is that JAVA coding can be compiled to run on many different platforms but .NET supports only Microsoft Platforms such as Windows and Windows phone (except the third party compilers such as Mono tools). JAVA is a single language but .NET is a complete set of 30+ languages so it provides the developer the ease of using the language he is comfortable with. .NET also allows the developer to write every piece of code in a different language. JAVA is a single language which targets many different platforms and on the other hand .NET supports many languages but only allows the application on Microsoft platforms.

Because JAVA runs on many different platforms so it provides the features that are available in all the platforms so it does not have the richness and capability to target full scope of the platform it is been run on whereas .NET is only fr Microsoft platforms so it has the capability to target the full features of the platform. As a result, applications written in .NET are more rich and efficient.

Security is richer in .NET. Along with APIs for cryptography, secure cookies, and authentication, there is also a rich and extensible mechanism for assigning different levels of permissions to different sets of users, based on where the code came from. For example, you can mark all code from a particular vendor as safe. All code from a specific URL can be granted (or denied) read/write access to specific resources such as the temp directory or screen.


Anonymous said...

Mauhib, good one, but in security manner, they are both equals and under the mercy of their VM (CLR in .NET, JVM in Java World) if the VM infrastructure has a bug, then the executable programs will be buggy.
The big advantage of .NET Over ja...va is that .NET infrastructure is standarized from ECMA, and it's open for any vendor to submit a proposal for change, but Java is an intellectual property for Oracle and Oracle alone.

chhipa said...

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Muhammad Zubair Qasim said...

hey mauhib! check this, i hope it will help u alot! http://zubairqasim.blogspot.com/2011/03/c-coding-standards-and-best-programming.html

Boundlesstech said...

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Mauhib said...

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